
Qenta created the Qenta Operating System (“QOS”) as a platform to build distributed applications that take advantage of powerful blockchain features, notably:

  • Smart contracts: agreements that self-execute when specific conditions are met.
  • Instant peer to peer transactions: transact with anyone, anywhere, without middlemen.
  • Tokenization: take any asset, such as season tickets, gold, or coffee futures, and create digital certificates – tokens – of that asset.
  • Identity: anonymous proof of identity is being built into QOS’s fabric; all users will be able to transact knowing their identity cannot be stolen.
  • “Trustless” ledger: trust in third parties, such as banks, is not required; the QOS ledger is shared, immutable and secure.

QOS is a permissioned, public, federated blockchain that enables secure, instant, global financial transactions without chargebacks. G-Coin® is a distributed application that runs on QOS.


All QOS users must be granted access. All distributed application developers know their client base meets stringent regulatory requirements.


The blockchain is immutable and visible to all. Permissioned users may interact with network users openly and freely.


No more than 50 independent organizations operate nodes to process QOS transactions and participate in QOS governance. Limiting the number of nodes ensures fast transaction speeds and builds trust in QOS.

QOS is developing with a unique focus on group management, whether it’s a multinational company managing treasury, a charity seeking to broaden participation, or a small group of friends playing poker.

Qenta is developing QOS tokenization tools with a focus on emerging market commodity financing and bringing financial services to the unbanked.

QOS’s test and main nets are currently accessible to developers and creators.