
Qenta App Coming Soon

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Qenta digitizes physical assets, like gold, so your investments are liquid!

App Wait List

Qenta digitizes physical assets, like gold, so your investments are liquid!

Qenta App Coming Soon

The first asset we’re launching in our Qenta App – is gold!

Sign up for the Qenta App Pre-Launch Gold List, to get special offers on G-Coin® when you download the iOS or Android App and become a member. G-Coin® digitized gold are a digital title of ownership to real physical gold, responsibly sourced, securely vaulted in Switzerland and fully audited.

G-Coin® is Responsible Gold

Join our Gold List today & we’ll email you promotions when we launch!

App Wait List

Qenta digitizes gold from source to market

Responsible Gold

Every G-Coin® is equal to 1-Gram of conflict-free, responsibly sourced Gold we call, Responsible Gold.


We “digitized” Responsible Gold, so it has blockchain-based proof of provenance, and supply chain traceability, which allows ownership to be tracked by G-Coin® digitized gold.

We care about how our gold is sourced, so we’ve created a responsible brand around it!
  • The Responsible Gold Standards provide the framework for the supply chain to produce “Responsible Gold”.
  • Controls insulate the supply chain from money laundering, conflict financing, and environmental, social, and labor issues.
  • Independent ESG audits, on-going sanctions and media monitoring, and real-time blockchain data analysis assures supply chain integrity.
  • World Gold Council miners and LBMA refiners following ESG standards meet the independent audit requirements.
Responsible Gold

Qenta App Coming Soon

We’re starting with Gold…

Join our Qenta App Pre-Launch Gold List

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